Sunday, March 16, 2008

How to Instill a Naturals Perspective in Your Game


First of all I’m new to this, so let me introduce myself. I grew up in a small town in Texas, and have lived here my whole life. I blame me on a crazy lifestyle, a lifestyle of no stability, growing up in a home I didn’t belong in and going through tons of schools. I had no base of friends going through life, all the way till college, so social interactions were something I had to learn to survive. This is my life’s work that I didn’t know would take me to where I am today and I want nothing less than to share it. Everything I will talk about and preach is how I live on a day to day basis, and how my best friends live, we have socially adapted into perfect PUA’s without ever hearing of one until about 3 months ago.
My score is higher than everyone I know but one person, it’s a joke in my social circle, and neither of us know our actual number but it’s fun to joke about. If you offered me a million dollars to sit down and write my full list I promise you I couldn’t remember half, if I even ever knew their names. I say this to you, and I have never opened a set, I know ways to make them open me on my terms. I am now branching out to this “game”, and instilling this on top of my game, so keep your girlfriends out of my reach! I’ve had weekends I’ve run hat tricks on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and my roommates have set video recorders up to capture these. I didn’t do it bc I wanted to, but as a bet just to prove I could. If you don’t know what a hat trick is look it up, its 3 goals in a game, for me its 3 girls in 24 hours, one day. I have learned to set permanent frames, and now it doesn’t matter what I do, I can’t get rid of them. I have one of my rotation girls now on such tight lock that she’s seen me walk 4 girls in the last month up to my room for a one night stand. She goes home crying but the next day will be at my house to take me to lunch. And not only that she won’t bring up what I did in a neg. way but will just laugh and try to DHV herself over the other girl. It’s very amusing. Your probably thinking right now that oh she’s just some dumpy bitch that’s like a 5, and a complete slut. She’s not, Solace knows her personally and will back me, she’s about an 8.5, and has been with 2 other guys besides me. Her parents are worth millions; she’s never worked and gets everything that she wants in life, except me. She drives a 2007 two door Mercedes and a new Lincoln truck, but she only has that just to pull her boat to and from her lake house; she’s in a prestigious sorority and also is a student council representative at her division 1 school. She’s about to finish her degree and go to law school. I’ve learned how to set my frames so perfectly that I honestly haven’t seen LMR in years and numerous girls and I can teach you this.
First of all I want to put this out there, I’m not a PUA by term, I had never heard of it until just recently when I started my business were going to call business X, but well get to that later. But in the last 3 months I have read everything I could get my hands on, I have gone out with one of the top 5 PUA’s and he’s commented on my game and wants to put me under his wing. I’ve been on the fence for being taught, but I have decided to learn here recently. I want to teach the lifestyle, beliefs, and mindsets from some of the best naturals in the field, not step by step things like those you read and need to memorize. Let me define some terms I am going to introduce. Buela – a horrible name that no girl wants, when I meet a girl I will a lot of times ask her if her name is Buela, shell laugh and I’ll tell her she looks like this girl I know named Buela, it’s funny, it will make you laugh at least. So when I refer to a girl in this her name will be Buela. FB – a social network called Facebook, if you don’t know what this is you’re an AFC X 2! Permanent Frames – Assumptions that she creates in her mind that you live by and soon become permanent beliefs in her mind, no matter how much she wants to change them. C/F – cocky and funny attitude that gives impression of a fun, social, carefree person (David DeAngelo Term). Neutral Grounds – topics that feel non threatening, family, pets, weather, work, music, dancing.
Throughout 24 years of my life I have come to my own conclusions of social dynamics. Life, conversations, people in general, especially women base interactions solely on a simple term, assumptions. So do you. And until you get to know someone on a personal level, all they think of you will be assumptions. Most AFC’s ASSUME women won’t like them, that they’re boring, that they’re not going to get laid, etc., this is where the internal fear of failure comes from. When you see a guy with his hands in his pockets and his head down towards the ground, you assume he’s shy, and so does Buela. If you see a woman with a lot of makeup on you assume she is self conscious. If you see a guy in makeup dressed in black you assume he’s gothic, a clean shaven man in a suit during the day you assume to be a business man and successful. People create assumptions just from looking at people, how they carry themselves, body language during a conversation, eye contact, how they dress. Every time you talk to a stranger or someone with minimal familiarity there is more effort put into assumptions than there is in the conversation, especially by Buela.
Since all interactions are based on assumptions and assumptions are what frames are made of, this is where the focus lies. I want to help you change your whole perception of assumptions and in turn you will be learning how to create permanent frames, which if used correctly, will get you everything you want out of life, from business to women.
From everything I’ve read, I’ve concluded that everything you learn to do in game is based on the theory of creating assumptions in Buela's mind to benefit you. To DHV creates an assumption that you hold social value. Social proof creates assumptions your accepted and you’re someone that beautiful women want and men want to be. Negs create assumptions in Buela’s mind that she is not good enough for you. And the greatest pick up artists in the world have created these same steps that they call a “game” for you to go through over and over again just to obtain my main idea, assumptions.
You have to get into Buela’s mind, and get on her level. You will learn to predict her responses and set frames that will build the imaginary house that she lives in and watches you from. Before you can do this though you have to accept these 2 main beliefs into your life, and not just accept them but actually believe them in everything that you do.
-Belief 1 – This is one of the biggest beliefs in my life, I have just put into action these last couple of years, and it is gold! You have to believe this, internalize this, and let it become you. If you want to memorize something ever this is it.
You: in a conversation “Do you have a boyfriend”
Buela: “Yes, no” who fucking cares ß see belief #2
You: “I actually made a new year’s resolution this year in 2008 not to date anymore girls. Don’t worry I’m not gay, but my crazy X completely turned me off to being in relationships.” (this sets the important frame that you’re the prize, and no matter where things go with Buela, you’re not going to date her… this is gold, USE it in every interaction, girls, guys everyone. You have now made her assume that you don’t want to date her and she can’t make you… but every woman wants what she can’t have, the whole cat and the string theory. This sets the beginning permanent frame for whatever relationship you make with her. Soon she will be trying everything to tie you down, and after sex, she can’t get mad at you for not wanting to date her, you warned her from the beginning. But you have to set this as a belief, and portray it in everything that you do. Make sure you friends know it also, she will be crying to them soon enough “why won't he date me?” And then your friend will be able to say “he told you he’s not dating”)
Belief # 2 – You are better than every girl. Girls are all the same, boring baby makers looking for the next best thing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not sexist, but it’s something you have to believe, it cancels out the fear in interactions. Along with this idea you have to believe that Buela is replaceable in about 2 seconds, even if it's someone that your porking that is amazing, they have to go as easy as they come. If you can’t internalize this, what your reading will not work.
These assumptions create typical frames and are what most women use to DLV you. The frames to create.
1. You’re the prize
2. She can’t handle you
3. She wants you
4. Her being crazy, and a creeper
5. Her as unclassy
6. She’s nerdy
7. She wants to be like you
8. She’s rude
You can’t just come across with these; you have to create the assumptions in her mind that you think these things. I can give you a thousand examples of these, but until you really believe them about a girl, she won’t create these frames. These frames shouldn’t be run like game, one after another, you will neg her out, it’s a push-pull game. Use your PUA stuff in-between frames to build rapport and comfort. Experiment when and where to throw them in, it’s fun to find out just how much you can pull off. You will learn to base a whole conversation out of these, she will lead you into them trying to set her natural frames, you’re just going to twist them back around on her, when you watch this work it’s better than magic. Everything during this conversation should be a joke to you; you have to smile huge and laugh naturally at yourself to pull this off. She will start to see you as a spontaneous fun guy, a crazy guy who is sincere. The bad boy every girl wants to have and chase.
1. Everything you do c/f with a combination of push-pull games creates a frame as you as the prize. Ex. Ask her in the middle of a conversation when she’s taking you to dinner?
2. After sharing belief 1 with Buela tell her “I have just given up on girls in general and they’re all the same… you just can’t find one that’s sane or one that can handle you, your kind of high maintenance.” This portrays frames 1, 2, 4 all in one sentence.
3. Go into the undressing you with her eyes routine or the accusing her of grabbing your ass routine. I can post tons of these games if you want them just ask.
4. Tell a DHV story. The following example is one of my favorite and true.
You: So check this out. I met this gorgeous girl the other day at _____ (you fill in blank) named Stephanie. We talked like 30 minutes and but then I had to run off with some friends and didn’t even think to get her number. Well this crazy broad looked up my number on FB and started texting me. It was a lil creepy I’ll admit, but she was sexy so it was whatev… We talked a few times just casually and I never really thought anything about it.. well check this… That next weekend she pulls up in my driveway at 3 AM and calls and texts me like a hundred times. And when I don’t answer she starts honking. I was so freaked out I had to call the police to get her to leave, I don’t want to end up in a thousand pieces getting mailed to my parents. HAHAHA I know I’m addicting but damn… How often do you do stuff like that Buela? (put her on defense… make her qualify herself.. now sit back and watch)
Buela: Blah Blah… she’s boring
You: something c/f “Yah I Believe you” (point at your face) “this is my believable face” (keep a straight face not laughing just this once) then lean back and laugh… she’s now officially crazy
5. I love the strip club joke here. Dance with her, then
You: Damn, you have some moves, I felt like I was on dancing with the stars… Do you work at _____? (insert name of titty bar and laugh… it’s a joke, then cut her off mid defense) “ I thought I recognized you!” (I was actually in this conversation a couple of weeks with you.. she said no, not there I work at Jaguars. It actually threw me off for a second, But she took it as a compliment so its win win.
6. This should be sooo easy. Ask her what level she is on Dungeons and Dragons and then just say she looks like someone that plays it. Ask her what kinds of books she reads, and playboy doesn’t count.. and hopefully she didn’t see the October 2007 issue with you on the cover, make a superhero pose then.
7. Be blunt, Throw it in where it fits “ I know you wanna be like me but we can’t all be this amazing.”

Another one of my secrets is awkwardness. This is one of the key steps in eliminating LMR. You have to learn how to make her a funny awkward, where she doesn’t know what to say and you remain cool and collected. Making people awkward shows their true sides, it’s impossible to put on a front when your awkward. Make Buela awkward, say “Did you just fart… what was that noise?” Then pull her back in to being comfortable. She will feel more and more comfortable with you the more you do this. I have girls tell me all the time after a few hours, “I feel like I’ve known you forever.”
So now the question your asking is, how much cocky is a turn off, when is it too much? And honestly the answer to that lies with you, what you can pull off, how natural can you make it to where it doesn’t seem like your forcing it, Buela can tell. In The Game, by Neil Strauss, he talks about kiss closing a girl. He goes into a routine of pulling a girls hair and biting her neck, well how hard is too much. If you rip her hair out or draw blood with your teeth it’s not going to lead to a kiss most likely, but if you do meet this girl, give her my email, I love that shit! Use your judgment, it will come with practice. But one thing about it though Buela assumes you are too cocky, you can just laugh it off and tone it down. If you come across in Buela’s assumptions as being nerdy, awkward, boring, threre's no laughing those off, she’s done, no second chance. Also if you do it so bad Buela walks off you’ve left her with the assumption that you think your way to cool and she can’t handle that, not your boring and look at the awkward guy. So use your judgment and have fun, that’s the whole point of it, not to memorize steps and rehearsed lines everyone knows.
I’ve been asked by some really good PUA’s recently if I think my looks lets me pull this off better and I receive more toleration from Buela. I honestly don’t believe this at all, in everything that I have ever seen. I’ve personally taught a 240 lb Mexican (I’m not racist) that’s 5’10”, who speaks English as a second language to pull a 5’4” 110 lb blonde 8.5 from the cheerleading squad at our old college. And he did this all with c/f and creating the correct frames from assumptions he let her believe. But then didn’t set his beliefs right and got into a serious relationship with her. I’m not against this but I’m sure you can bet how this ended. He's still heartbroken, and he completely lost everything he had and hasn’t dated really again since. I honestly believe every girl is a cheater and just looking for the next good felling, seduction, or next best thing along. This is the main reason for belief 1. I’ve seen girls in 3 year relationships with an engagement ring on their fingers ride my cock in the backseat of my car at a bar parking lot. I’m sorry to ruin your hopeless romantic outlook but it is true, and if you think you have your girl on such tight lock bring her over and leave her for a day.
Another topic I want to discuss is managing multiple relationships. So you’ve set into place beliefs 1 and 2, and they’re a part of your lifestyle now. And lets hypothetically say, you have met 3 girls and closed them. Now you’re wondering how to keep them hooked. First, whatever you do, don’t turn into mushy gushy pussy boy who can’t live without her. Hold your beliefs steadfast in all you do. I live a busy lifestyle and I tell girls straight up that they’re lucky to hear from me once a week and lucky to see me sober ever. This is another frame your setting, Buela is assuming you don’t have time for her. Another frame I live by is a 3: 1 ratio. Let’s say you invite Buela #1 to join you out for a night on the town and she says no I’m busy, well now you’re too busy for her the next 3 times you think about inviting her out. And you have to let her know, the next time she texts you, hey what’s up, you’re out with ____ doing ___ and you can’t talk right now, I’ll call you later. She has to assume that your time is valuable, and she has to work to receive it. Pretty soon she will be dropping everything to see you when you ask. Don’t be afraid to drop other names also,
Buela #1: What are you doing?
You: I’m actually headed to _____ with Buela #2, I’ll call you later.
This makes #1 wonder why you didn’t invite her to _____. Why won’t you talk to her, when will you call back. Now she’s thinking of you and your permanent frames. Honesty is key here, when she wants you it doesn’t matter what you do, she is hooked. Whatever you do, never be needy, sometimes you really want to see a girl, but you always have to portray belief #2, it has to be a part of your life. Settling down with a girlfriend is at your own risk.
Separating relationships and friendships. This to me is all a matter of character of a girl. Honestly most of the girls I am friends with I have hooked up with and decided to just make them friends. And the few girls in my life I just make as friends, have so much sexual frustration towards me they are only a few lines away from naked. I keep my game so tight there is really not a difference. The closer you keep the ones as friends the more social proof you get, they see the game you run and the way the girls still come around as friends after you have them and they then realize that they can do the same. When you can make your game tight enough that there is no difference between friends and hookups you have succeeded at internalization. For example, a few weeks ago on the way home from Dallas on a sat night I had my 8.5 driving me and I was in the backseat crammed with a 9 on my lap and all the 9’s friends and my a roommate of mine crammed in the car. I started making out with the lap Buela just for fun but of course got caught by my 8.5 who you could tell was not happy. We stop for food along with Buela #2 who was following us back to party at my house from Dallas. She is driving alone and drunk, but parked in a different place than us so I hop in her car. Well she has been really grabby and playful tonight and I have ignored everything she’s done and laughed it off as just being friendly, but now its game time. I turn to Buela #2 who is driving and say, “So who’s better me or my brother?” (yah yah… my brother had already had her but already approved whatever I wanted to do.)
#2 kinda laughed got awkward, and was like, “umm.. I wouldn’t know”
Me: “At dancing you perv, you don’t have to worry about that, your soooo not my type.”
#2: “HAHAHA… I’m sure that’s what you meant. And I don’t know, but I’m way too drunk to be driving.”
Me: “So am I, please don’t kill me, I’m way to gorgeous to die!”
#2: “Omg.. Daddy you cease to amaze me, I never know what’s going to come out of your mouth”
Me: “Well if you wanna pull over, ill drive and show you what can’t fit in yours.. HAHAHA” (I’m always escalating, pushing to awkward, if she gets defensive just pull her back, laugh it off and say, “I’m jk, I’m really hung like a wild field mouse” (JM) and now its comfort again, it’s all a joke but now the offer is on the table, and here it worked.
#2: “HAHA… You would be the one to kill me then”
ME: “You really think your that good huh? Well let’s find out”
#2 pulls over on the shoulder sucks me off till we get to my house, I so should not have been driving, we park across the street, I slam her with her dress on over the passenger seat and we go inside where my 8.5, #1, #2 and all my roommates are taking shots with all our friends and playing pool. I walk over to my brother who’s there “say smell my fingers” and put them on his face, and laugh about it. I then party with all of them for several hours and take my 8.5 to bed. I see them all on a weekly basis, they all have an idea, but nothing is said, everyone knows I don’t date and I’m just here for a good time. Get your game this tight. (Sorry brother, but now you know how it happened!! HAHAHAA)
Next I’m gonna include some of my best information that no one has ever used in game before, here is some stuff for you to memorize and use where you can and learn how to pull it off. Everything I am giving you leads to escalation and evades LMR.

I’ve already told you I don’t open sets, I make them open me under my conditions. A lot of times I do this with my friends just by standing in a busy area and bullshitting. I don’t have a forsay wing, and we don’t have to take turns opening, I have best friends that know everything about me and are always with me, this approach is much better. Here is an example I used this past Saturday, I was at mantus standing in the walkway where everyone dances between the smoking and non smoking area. I was standing there with Solace, his friend, a 10 stripper that picked me up from my house and brought me to Dallas, an 8.5 that’s Solaces (who I call chunky to her face just to be funny), and her friend. Were just bullshitting and talking minding our own business but I have my eye on the door to watch who walks in and out. Solace is wondering to and from opening sets and recruiting 9’s and 10’s for our business x, but I’m out for pleasure. So I see a 9 walk in the door with a few friends but she’s in the back of the line. So laughing and having a good time with my friends I take a step back and bump into her.
ME: “Hey” (keno here, put hand on arm shoulder hip, whatever is easiest, your still half way on your group and her, talking over shoulder) “did you just grab my ass?”
Buela: (Depending on personality) “no, yes, you wish… “ (who honestly cares what she said, she just grabbed your ass, she’s a creeper.)
ME: (laugh and smile to show your comfortable while she answers, you still are talking over your shoulder ignoring your group for the minute, all eyes are watching you probably, bc with your beliefs who knows what’s coming out of your mouth. Now you lead to immediate escalation, awkwardness!!) “Here, I know you want to do it again, touch it!” (turn your back to her but your head still making eye contact, the object is to be sexually playful, but she doesn’t know you, but you’re laughing so it’s funny) (again you’re not harassing her or grabbing her ass like every other guy, she’s grabbing yours, girls love this shit)
Buela: (The worst she is going to do here is walk away, and your turned to your friends, you laugh it off and say something off the wall like “I farted on her!” HAHAHA, everyone laughs there ass off and she hears it and feels crazy like she really did grab your ass) (With practice you will get every girls kinky side and she will spank you or poke it, it’s a game to her that men usually do that she doesn’t like, you turned the tables, she wants to play to, but would never act like a slut without your permission) (No matter what she says here you are building a frame, it could be positive, neg, rude, compliment, who cares see belief #2)
You: (If she spanks) “did that hurt your hand?” (pokes) “nice huh?” (grabs) “good game coach” (no matter what your laughing and it’s fun to you, so therefore fun to her, you set the tone) Now she’s hooked, lead into escalation frames.
I want you to realize here what you have just done from a game aspect. In about 30 seconds you have opened, gave a neg (creeper), isolated (her group is gone) and escalated her sexually through keno both ways, you and her. Most PUA’s spend 30 min to an hour to get this far, now she has your attention, she jumped through your hoop, now you turn to face her and give her an IOI. Game on. Realize also that you didn’t have to deal with her friends, and she’s now there to easily join your circle and show her some social proof. I have tons of these, learn your own.
1) So you’ve hooked a set and isolated, your having great conversation, your relaxed and leaned back, she’s given you IOI’s. Lets escalate, let there be a lull in conversation, like a 5 count, but maintain eye contact, you’re in control.
You: (Lean into her like you have a secret. Staying relaxed and back here will be creepy, were escalating) Tell her “You’re really gonna have to stop that!” (keep eye contact, you’re in the moment now, finally not laughing, straight faced, she’s assuming serious moment now, she’s in trouble, there was a lull)
Buela: “What? What do I need to stop?”
You: (Still straight faced, she’s worried now, use your body language here) “Undressing me with your eyes…” (lean back, she’s a creeper, but your calm and collected “It really makes me uncomfortable in public like this” (Now laugh and look her up and down and undress her with your eyes) “I’m just kidding Buela, but really… Its gotta stop”
She’s is now awkward. She is assuming you really think she is doing that, but your still laughing about it and smiling huge again, bring her back to comfort, neutral ground topics. Or she may even play off of it, and say “you like it”, laugh and say “ok you win, I’ll give you a strip tease later”, but your jk, maybe?
2) Birthday set. You will always run into this one. It’s just the odds. Plus Buela celebrates a month of girl’s nights out for her birthday.
You: “It’s your b-day? How old are you today?”
Buela: (uninterested) “21, 43, 18” (it doesn’t matter what she says bc its her bday and your boring)
You: (Smile huge and laugh in disbelief, lean back) “No way, I would have never guessed that”
Buela: “Really, what would you have guessed” (women are very touchy on their ages, they want to know how old they look, their mom and gma always have, so do they.) (Even if she just sits there and is bored.. no answer move on, it’s time to escalate the situation, you’re about to change her assumption of boring and the same as every other guy using a birthday set or opener)
You: “I don’t believe you! Stand up” (if she is sitting, put your hands out and pull her up or if in a set pull her to the outside of it, she’s on the defense, your calling her a liar, she may even say that, but you don’t care, again belief #2) (Grab her hands and spin her in a circle, check out her ass and legs, it’s fun and she can’t see you, push her hands away) “I would have guessed (outrageous number)” (general formula 18-24 guess 32, 25-50 guess 18 (either way it’s a neg and a compliment, younger girls want to look older, and vice versa, 23 and 24 can get touchy, but they don’t wanna look 18 I promise, so your just gonna be a dick on those 2 ages.))
Buela: (something boring and predictable “no I don’t, really?” or “you’re a jerk and keno punch your arm” blah blah….
You: “No I’m just kidding, but you really do remind me of my mom, your just so innocent, I bet you haven’t even got your birthday spankings yet have you?
Buela: Is now hooked and wants to know how she reminds you of your mom and she hasn’t got her spankings, ignore the mom comment and move on, isolate further.
3.) Another Lull escalation, your still being c/f, she’s given IOI’s and she assumes you’re a crazy fun guy.
You: “Are you a good cook”
Buela: “Yah, no, whatever…”
You: (If she says no) “oh man, that’s disappointing, I was hoping you were gonna wake me up with breakfast in bed in the morning. I guess I’ll have to settle for you taking me to dinner this week, I really like Italian, you’re not a vegetarian are you?” (if Yes) “That’s awesome, so I can expect breakfast in bed tomorrow morning right? I really like pancakes, but I’m allergic to syrup, deal?”
Buela: (there’s a million ways this can go, depending on her boring personality, but now you’re in control of her mind, she is now thinking about cooking for you in the morning and going home with you tonight, it’s a woman’s mind, she can’t help it) I’ve heard “I would never go home with you, You really think you could take me home huh, I would never cook you breakfast” all the way to “I make good sausage balls and eggs” (this works all the time, I really like sausage balls and my roommate and I, the other natural, get woken up to breakfast a lot of weekends, we always make her cook for each other and our dates.)
You: (Game time) “Whoa, I didn’t say you could spend the night, I never bring strangers home, I’m a lot more work than that! I’m just looking for you to come over early and wake me up with food” (You are now the prize, she’s wondering how often you get that, frame #1 set) “Besides, I only like blondes, brunettes, red heads” (whatever she is not) leading back to neutral topics!

I am going to put something very wrong and against all game that I have learned in here. I dare you to try it, there’s no more fear. So your running out of conversation it’s time to excuse yourself from the isolation and rejoin your group. Teachings say “What’s the best way to get a hold of you” and get her number and write it down on paper. Ok well let’s be honest, if your carrying a pen or paper in the club, mall wherever, you’re a tool, and she thinks that. Is 2000 and fucking 8, get a pda. But in my teachings, it’s out of batteries.
You: “So I have to run but I’d love to continue this conversation sometime, you seem like a fun girl! My PDA is actually dead but get my number.
Buela: (rumbles getting phone out)
You: “817.345.5678, but you have to promise to behave and not to misuse that, my stalker list is completely full, the police are getting so sick of coming over they have just started shooting them on site!”
Buela: (laughs, no one has ever told her that before unless she’s met me, and if she has she’s probably gonna call you out on it, I use this every time I give my number out)
You: “its daddy by the way” (put your name in the blank, even if she knows it, it will either help her remember or evoke a response)
(I have a different outlook on this than most PUA’s. I like to give my number out 5-6 times a night. It keeps my phone book clear for one, only keeps the girls calling that are truly interested, so I’m not bothering them when they have no interest, and it makes them invest into you by calling, they get just as nervous as you. So even if you give your number out 10 times and only 1 calls or texts you the next day or so, she’s interested.) (There are a lot of times I won’t say my phone is dead also, I’ll just go straight into it, she doesn’t have guys say “get my number” very often, this makes her feel like you’re in charge, it sets a frame that she should want to call you. A lot of times then after she gets your number ill have her call me on the spot and save her number. So now you can go into my fool proof gold mine of the first phone call.)

This that I am about to write below is gold, I really don’t want to give it out, but this is for all of you AFC’s out there that are completely afraid of the first phone call. I am going to give you an ice breaker that will rock your world, it will get you into any phone conversation , start a conversation and the rest is up to your ability to continue the mood. The first call is always intimidating, but this hook is c/f with sexual escalations.
You: (calling, its ringing, you’re so nervous! You have never talked to her on the phone… OMG!!)
Buela: “Hello”
You: “Well hello” (in a funny sexy voice… It’s funny) “What are you up to?”
Buela: (It doesn’t matter what she says, cut her off, or if she just says “not much” go into the next line)
You: “Ok…. You need to cut that out!” (pause)
Buela: (confused) “What? Cut what out?”
You: “I can’t talk to you on the phone if you’re going to sound so sexy!”
Buela: (Giggle, giggle, blah blah)
You: “For real… Have you ever considered a career as a phone sex operator? You have the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard on the phone. I think we’ve found your calling”
Buela: “Blah, Blah, thanks!”
(you now have her in the mindset and frame you left her in when you got her phone number) (she remembers why you’re such a fun carefree guy.. now don’t lose it, bring her back to neutral grounds)